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Brain Manual

Like other manuals, Manual of a brain is a book of instructions to learn about your brain thought process and understand the best scenario/conditions in which it can operate at maximum efficiency at the easiest possible.

Who needs Brain Manual?


People come to us when they are searching for a life rich with purpose and fulfillment. Below are few of the reasons:

  • ​They are seeking their core values

  • ​Longing to understand and use their own talents

  • ​Looking for their place in the world



​In short they are seeking the meaning of their own lives. They are intrigued by the idea that their thought process is mapped out in their own fingerprints and this is entirely up to them whether they choose to live it or not.


The immediate questions, life crises, and confusions that compel people to get their Brain Manual are the ones we all have at one time or another:

  • What job do I take?

  • Why am I dissatisfied at work?

  • Is this relationship right for me?

  • Why can't I seem to have satisfying relationship?

  • Am I using all of my talents and living up to my full potential?

  • "Who" & "What" I am supposed to be?

  • What is wrong with me? ( I have a good job, a good relationship, and a house, but something's missing. There must be more. Is this it?

  • I have urge to do "X", but is it what I should really do?

  • I feel stuck and don't know what to do?​​



How Reliable is Brain Manual?



Current technologies like (Psychologists, Psychiatrist etc.) use "Inside-Out" approach to know your thought process. They ask a question and you answer the best you can from your inner purpose of yourself whereas Brain Manual is obtained using "Outside-In" approach. Brain Manual is an objective tool rather than subjective one. The language of the fingerprints operates objectively, “free of any bias or prejudice caused by personal feelings”. Any person trained to decode fingerprints in this manner will get the same results, just as any person trained to translate Greek will translate the same basic meaning from the same Greek phrase. All that may differ are the vocabulary words describe the meaning of the phrase. This is where “art” of fingerprint analysis comes in – just as some people are more poetic in their ability to translate from one language to another.




A Special note to my favorite folks - The Skeptics?



If you are Skeptical, as many are, about the possibility that you can actually know your brain's throught process from your fingerprints, congratulations! You are someone who wants to think for yourself! To you we say “Don’t believe anything anyone tells you, including us!” Check it out for yourself, gain your own experience, and then go from there. But don’t just dismiss it out of hand without your own investigation. That would mean you are so skeptical that you aren’t rational, which is what you most wish to be as skeptic- rational and questioning rather than closed-minded and judgmental. Rational people do their investigations to see if something has validity for themselves and others. We have come across quite a few people who say “I don’t know anything about what you do, but I don’t believe in it and I know it doesn’t work”. What kind of sense does this make? How can you know nothing about something yet pass judgment on it based on no experience whatsoever? How logical is this piece of thinking? We don’t believe in fingerprints either, any more than we believe or don’t believe in aspirin. (Do you refuse to take an aspirin when you have a headache or fever just because the mechanism of its efficacy is still not completely understood?) We certainly didn’t expect to be looking at fingerprints at our full time profession, but like aspirin, they work consistently with everyone, their analysis is teachable and repeatable, and their interpretation is empirically validated by over thirty five years of research, observations and use with over 1,50,000 people


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